- The type of alteration they are proposing
- The purpose or function of any new additions to their home
- The types of materials they will use for the modification
- Paint colors or finishes that will be used for the modification
- Blueprints/plans or other detailed drawings
- Credentials for the contractor or remodeler
- Any permits that are required by the city or municipality
- A rough/estimated timeline for the project’s completion
One of the primary roles of the Property Owner’s Association is to help maintain property values. An important aspect of this is ensuring that homes look reasonably uniform; that is to say, making certain one homeowner doesn’t build a large, unsightly addition that stands out like a sore thumb from the rest of the neighborhood.
In pursuit of this goal, Southern Woods POA has an architectural review committee in place. Essentially, this is the group that is tasked with enforcing the community’s architectural standards. Before making any changes to the outside of their home, homeowners are required to gain approval from the architectural review committee. Basically, this allows the POA to maintain some level of control over modifications that people make to their homes.