
Once a community development is completed, the developer of that community officially formulates the POA by composing an Articles of Incorporation and submitting those documents to their state’s Secretary of State; these Articles of Incorporation officially establish that POA as a nonprofit mutual-benefit corporation. 


Subsequently, formulating these articles recognizes the newly established POA legally.


Once the legal status of an POA is in place, establishing bylaws becomes one of the crucial steps in creating a fully-realized governing body for the community.

These rules mostly concern issues such as: 

  • Board member powers, duties, and term limits
  • Meeting requirements for board members
  • What might happen in the event of non-compliance of by-laws by either a board member or resident
  • Community finances

The by-laws (often refered to as “the corporate housekeeping rules”) govern the operation and administration of the association. By-laws will typically address the composition of the board, how meetings are called, and numerous other corporate procedures.